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Healing Guided Meditation with Maria Furlano

#mentalpeace #healing #guidedmeditation healing meditation Oct 01, 2024

I'm often asked how do we send healing energy to a person, place, or event and the first step in doing that is centering yourself, so you can move into a state of neutral energy and emotions. In this Meditation for Healing, I guide you through those steps so you can expand your energy to serve others, as you also nourish yourself.


Energy is released from our body, and when energy is released from our body, it moves out in these beautiful electrical waves of energy.


A Healing Guided Meditation from our (FREE) weekly Holding Space™ gathering with Maria Furlano, DMQ (China), MTOM, L.Ac.

Meditation Timestamps:

  • Introduction: 00:00 - 2:24
  • Guided Meditation:  2:24 - 20:33
  • "Why it's important to bring your energy back to you": 18:34 - 20:33 


Whatever the emotional frequency that you are holding about a person, a place or an event that has happened, or you're afraid will happen, or anything like that, that emotional energy is what will go out. So when I just said you might be afraid, if you're afraid that fear will go out, and fear, of course, does not contribute to the healing of what it is that we want to send support to in healing.

So the reason why we take our time and we go into a neutral space and we breathe and we relax our body is because we want to take our own energy and our own emotions and how we're feeling and bring them into a neutral place so that we can allow ourselves to move to a higher frequency. And what we're sending out is a very clear, clean, very supportive vibration of energy that is not cluttered with our own 3d emotions of fear and worry and sadness and Oh, my goodness, in this so if you are ever in a state where you are in the Oh, I'm so afraid, I'm I'm scared, and I feel so bad at this. The best thing to do is to just step back and take care of yourself and move into your own heart and to balance that energy first and then allow yourself to move into a neutral state where you can raise your vibration and send that higher frequency of true love and support to whatever it is that we're focused on. Okay? Because it just wants you to understand that what's coming out of you are actual waves of energy. And we really do connect with whatever it is we're focusing on.

Please focus on whatever it is you feel most called to today, and I really do thank you for being here.

When you're finished, it's very, very important that when we extend our energy to connect with something like a person or a place or thing in any way, especially in a healing capacity, it's very, very important that when we're done that we draw, that we release, and we draw our energy back to ourself. It's very important that we re center ourself in our own energetic bubble, and that we very slowly come back out. We don't want to leave ourself connected to all of these things, because it's a pull of our energy.

I'm hoping that you could feel that as you expanded your focus, you really connected to what it is you were focused with.

And then as you drew your energy back, there was a very gentle separation. Whatever you sent out, that energy stays there, and it's time for you to bring your energy back so you don't drain yourself.

Thank you so much for being here. I hope that you can use this meditation, or this type of meditation, and whatever it is that you have to share, because your energy is beautiful and the world needs you.



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*All information, videos and recordings on this website are for educational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before practicing these exercises.